Results for 'William Douw Lighthall'

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  1.  24
    Is superpersonality the looked-for principle?William D. Lighthall - 1926 - Philosophical Review 35 (4):360-365.
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  2. The outer consciousness..William D. Lighthall - unknown
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  3. The outer consciousness, a biological entity.W. D. Lighthall - 1926 - Montreal,: Witness press.
    Contents.--General characteristics of the outer consciousness.--The person of the outer consciousness.--The cosmic aspect of the outer consciousness.--The outer consciousness in ethics.--The teleology of the outer consciousness.--The outer consciousness and a future life.--Schopenhauer and the outer consciousness.--The psychology of outer consciousness.--Is superpersonality the looked-for principle?--Hobhouse's theory of mental evolution.--The organic analogy.--Conclusions.
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    (1 other version)The Person of Evolution.W. D. Lighthall - 1931 - The Monist 41 (3):476-476.
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  5. The directive power.W. D. Lighthall - 1928 - Philosophical Review 37 (6):600-606.
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    An Organic Superpersonality?—A Rejoinder.W. D. Lighthall - 1927 - Philosophical Review 36 (4):372-373.
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    The knowledge that is in instinct.W. D. Lighthall - 1930 - Philosophical Review 39 (5):491-501.
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  8. A Philosophy of Purpose.W. D. Lighthall - 1997
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    The Outer Consciousness.W. D. Lighthall - 1929 - Philosophical Review 38 (1):98-99.
  10.  49
    Attractiveness and Rivalry in Women’s Friendships with Women.April Bleske-Rechek & Melissa Lighthall - 2010 - Human Nature 21 (1):82-97.
    Past research suggests that young women perceive their same-sex friends as both facilitating the pursuit of desirable mates and competing for access to desirable mates. We propose that similar levels of physical attractiveness between young adult female friends might be one explanation for the opposing forces in their friendships. Forty-six female friendship pairs completed questionnaires about themselves, their friend, and their friendship; in addition, each woman’s picture was rated by a set of nine naive judges. Friends were similar in both (...)
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    Reward Responsiveness and Inhibition Traits Differentially Predict Economic Biases in Gain and Loss Contexts.Kylie N. Fernandez & Nichole R. Lighthall - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    extbook of Logic. [REVIEW]W. D. Lighthall - 1931 - Ancient Philosophy (Misc) 41:476.
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    Body schema and body image: an interdisciplinary and philosophical study.Douwe Tiemersma - 1989 - Amsterdam ;: Swets & Zeitlinger.
    A review of the literature on the subject and a discussion involving philosophical analysis, philosophy of science and phenomenology in the style of Merleau-Ponty. The study has practical interest in addition to scientific and philosophical relevance: the way a person conceptualizes his body is important to the way he behaves and the quality of his social interactions. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  14. Stereotypes of Autism.Douwe Draaisma - 2010 - In Francesca Happé & Uta Frith, Autism and Talent. Oup/the Royal Society.
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  15. Ontology and ethics in the foundation of medicine and the relevance of Levinas' view.Douwe Tiemersma - 1987 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 2 (2).
    The search for an ontological basis of medical practice is questioned from the viewpoint that ontologies are always related to the interpreting person in his situation, and that the definition of medicine includes a certain choice. This choice-character comes into greater play when ethical proposals are made. A foundation of medical ethics on an ontology of the healthy body or the factual medical practice is a naturalistic fallacy. Prior to an ontological basis, the ethical event of responsibility for the suffering (...)
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  16.  33
    Keeping track of variables that have few or many states.Douwe B. Yntema & Gayle E. Mueser - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (4):391.
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    Remembering the present states of a number of variables.Douwe B. Yntema & Gayle E. Mueser - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (1):18.
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    Paraatmaking teen immoraliteit in 'n postmodernistiese samelewing: 'n Hermeneuse van 2 Petrus 1:12-15.Douw G. Breed & Fika J. Van Rensburg - 2001 - HTS Theological Studies 57 (1/2).
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  19. Certain attitudes of White industrial employers in Durban towards the Indian worker in contrast to the African worker'.L. Douwes-Dekker & H. L. Watts - 1973 - Humanitas 2 (2).
  20.  38
    The graphic strategy: the uses and functions of illustrations in Wundt’s Grundzüge.Douwe Draaisma & Sarah De Rijcke - 2001 - History of the Human Sciences 14 (1):1-24.
    Illustrations played an important role in the articulation of Wundt’s experimental program. Focusing on the woodcuts of apparatus and experimental designs in the six editions of his Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie (published between 1873 and 1911), we investigate the uses and functions of illustrations in the experimental culture of the physiological and psychological sciences. We will first present some statistics on the increasing number of illustrations Wundt included in each new edition of his handbook. Next we will show how Wundt (...)
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  21.  30
    Matei Calinescu: An Independent Intellectual.Douwe Fokkema - 2009 - Symploke 17 (1-2):267-269.
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  22.  15
    Perfect Worlds: Utopian Fiction in China and the West.Douwe Wessel Fokkema - 2011 - Amsterdam University Press.
    "Perfect Worlds offers an extensive historical analysis of utopian narratives in the Chinese and Euro-American traditions.
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    Sprünge in die tiefen Heraklits.Douwe Holwerda - 1978 - Groningen: Bouma.
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  24.  11
    Philo of Alexandria and the timaeus of Plato.Douwe Runia - 1986 - Leiden: Brill.
  25.  18
    Organic time.Douwe Tiemersma - 1996 - In Douwe Tiemersma & Henk Oosterling, Time and Temporality in Intercultural Perspective. Rodopi. pp. 4--161.
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    Time and Temporality in Intercultural Perspective.Douwe Tiemersma & Henk Oosterling (eds.) - 1996 - Rodopi.
    How to repeat what never has been? Heinz Kimmerle Introduction We do not know what time is. Is it something outside us, just passing by like a car on the ...
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  27.  37
    In Pursuit of Precision: The Calibration of Minds and Machines in Late Nineteenth-century Psychology.Ruth Benschop & Douwe Draaisma - 2000 - Annals of Science 57 (1):1-25.
    A prominent feature of late nineteenth-century psychology was its intense preoccupation with precision. Precision was at once an ideal and an argument: the quest for precision helped psychology to establish its status as a mature science, sharing a characteristic concern with the natural sciences. We will analyse how psychologists set out to produce precision in 'mental chronometry', the measurement of the duration of psychological processes. In his Leipzig laboratory, Wundt inaugurated an elaborate research programme on mental chronometry. We will look (...)
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  28.  46
    Merleau-Ponty's philosophy as a field theory: Its origin, categories and relevance. [REVIEW]Douwe Tiemersma - 1987 - Man and World 20 (4):419-436.
  29.  11
    Aëtiana: The Method and Intellectual Context of a Doxographer, Volume I, the Sources.Jaap Mansfeld & Douwe Runia - 1990 - Brill.
    This ground-breaking study offers the first full-length critical examination of H. Diel's Doxographi Graeci , focussing on the doxographer Aëtius, whose work Diels reconstructed from various later sources. Diel's theory is analysed, revised and improved at significant points.
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    Aëtiana: The Method and Intellectual Context of a Doxographer, Volume Iii, Studies in the Doxographical Traditions of Ancient Philosophy.Jaap Mansfeld & Douwe Runia - 1997 - Brill.
    This collection of essays written between 1989 and 2009 records the authors’ exploration of the important but elusive genre of ancient doxography. Focusing primarily on the Placita of Aëtius, it can be used as a companion volume for the two earlier volumes of Aëtiana.
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    Aëtiana : The Method and Intellectual Context of a Doxographer, Volume Ii, the Compendium.Jaap Mansfeld & Douwe Runia - 1997 - New York: Brill. Edited by David T. Runia.
    This study investigates the methodology and tradition of Aëtius' Doxography of physics and provides a full reconstruction of Book II as a single unified text.
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  32. The Principles of Psychology.William James - 1890 - London, England: Dover Publications.
  33.  56
    Profiling teachers' sense of professional identity.Esther T. Canrinus, Michelle Helms‐Lorenz, Douwe Beijaard, Jaap Buitink & Adriaan Hofman - 2011 - Educational Studies 37 (5):593-608.
    This study shows that professional identity should not be viewed as a composed variable with a uniform structure. Based on the literature and previous research, we view teachers? job satisfaction, self?efficacy, occupational commitment and change in the level of motivation as indicators of teachers? professional identity. Using two?step cluster analysis, three distinct professional identity profiles have empirically been identified, based on data of 1214 teachers working in secondary education in the Netherlands. These profiles differed significantly regarding the indicators of teachers? (...)
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  34. How and when are topological explanations complete mechanistic explanations? The case of multilayer network models.Beate Krickel, Leon de Bruin & Linda Douw - 2023 - Synthese 202 (1):1-21.
    The relationship between topological explanation and mechanistic explanation is unclear. Most philosophers agree that at least some topological explanations are mechanistic explanations. The crucial question is how to make sense of this claim. Zednik (Philos Psychol 32(1):23–51, 2019) argues that topological explanations are mechanistic if they (i) describe mechanism sketches that (ii) pick out organizational properties of mechanisms. While we agree with Zednik’s conclusion, we critically discuss Zednik’s account and show that it fails as a general account of how and (...)
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    Polyhistor: Studies in the History and Historiography of Ancient Philosophy. Presented to Jaap Mansfeld on His Sixtieth Birthday.Keimpe Algra, Pieter W. Van der Horst & Douwe Runia (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Brill.
    During the past three decades the Utrecht scholar Jaap Mansfeld has built up a formidable reputation in the field of the history of ancient philosophy. This state-of-the-art collection of articles is presented to him by colleagues and friends on his sixtieth birthday.
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    Interaction between emotions and somatic complaints in children who did or did not seek medical care.Carolien Rieffe, Mark Meerum Terwogt, Joop D. Bosch, C. M. Frank Kneepkens, Adriaan C. Douwes & Francine C. Jellesma - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (8):1630-1646.
  37.  45
    Feedback during active learning: elementary school teachers' beliefs and perceived problems.Linda van den Bergh, Anje Ros & Douwe Beijaard - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (4):418-430.
    Giving feedback during active learning is an important, though difficult, task for teachers. In the present study, the problems elementary school teachers perceive and the beliefs they hold regarding this task were investigated. It appeared that teachers believe conditional teacher skills, especially time management, hinder them most from giving good feedback. The most widely held belief was that ?feedback should be positive?. Teachers also believed that it is important to adopt a facilitative way of giving feedback, but they found this (...)
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  38.  46
    Experience and Prediction.William R. Dennes - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48 (5):536-538.
  39.  14
    An Outline of Psychology.William McDougall - 2007 - Sigaud Press.
    This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1902 r' = radius of moon, or other body. P = moon's horizontal parallax = earth's angular semidiameter as seen from the moon. f = moon's angular semidiameter. Now = P (in circular measure), r'-r = r (in circular measure);.'. r: r':: P: P', or (radius of earth): (radios of (...)
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    Two principles of bayesian epistemology.William Talbott - 1991 - Philosophical Studies 62 (2):135-150.
  41. Moore against the new skeptics.William G. Lycan - 2001 - Philosophical Studies 103 (1):35 - 53.
  42. Emergence as non-aggregativity and the biases of reductionisms.William C. Wimsatt - 2000 - Foundations of Science 5 (3):269-297.
    Most philosophical accounts of emergence are incompatible with reduction. Most scientists regard a system property as emergent relative to properties of its parts if it depends upon their mode of organization-a view consistent with reduction. Emergence is a failure of aggregativity, in which ``the whole is nothing more than the sum of its parts''. Aggregativity requires four conditions, giving powerful tools for analyzing modes of organization. Differently met for different decompositions of the system, and in different degrees, the structural conditions (...)
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    The effects of gender and career stage on ethical judgment.William A. Weeks, Carlos W. Moore, Joseph A. McKinney & Justin G. Longenecker - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 20 (4):301 - 313.
    This article reports the findings of a survey examining if there are gender and career stage differences between male and female practitioners regarding ethical judgment. The results show that, on average, females adopted a more strict ethical stance than their male counterparts on 7 out of 19 vignettes. Males on the other hand, demonstrated a more ethical stance than their female counterparts on 2 out of 19 vignettes. The results furthermore indicate there is a significant difference in ethical judgment across (...)
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  44. In search of common foundations for cortical computation.William A. Phillips & Wolf Singer - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):657-683.
    It is worthwhile to search for forms of coding, processing, and learning common to various cortical regions and cognitive functions. Local cortical processors may coordinate their activity by maximizing the transmission of information coherently related to the context in which it occurs, thus forming synchronized population codes. This coordination involves contextual field (CF) connections that link processors within and between cortical regions. The effects of CF connections are distinguished from those mediating receptive field (RF) input; it is shown how CFs (...)
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  45. What pragmatism means.William James - unknown
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  46. (3 other versions)Body and mind.William McDougall - 1911 - Boston,: Beacon Press.
  47. Three conceptions of states of affairs.William F. Vallicella - 2000 - Noûs 34 (2):237–259.
  48.  96
    (1 other version)The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance Through Small Probabilities.William Albert Dembski - 1996 - Dissertation, University of Illinois at Chicago
    Shoot an arrow at a wall, and then paint a target around it so that the arrow sticks squarely in the bull's eye. Alternatively, paint a fixed target on a wall, and then shoot an arrow so that it sticks squarely in the bull's eye. How do these situations differ? In both instances the precise place where the arrow lands is highly improbable. Yet in the one, one can do no better than attribute the arrow's landing to chance, whereas in (...)
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  49. Rational belief change, Popper functions and counterfactuals.William L. Harper - 1975 - Synthese 30 (1-2):221 - 262.
    This paper uses Popper's treatment of probability and an epistemic constraint on probability assignments to conditionals to extend the Bayesian representation of rational belief so that revision of previously accepted evidence is allowed for. Results of this extension include an epistemic semantics for Lewis' theory of counterfactual conditionals and a representation for one kind of conceptual change.
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  50. Epistemic value.William G. Lycan - 1985 - Synthese 64 (2):137 - 164.
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